In accordance with the recently revised Department of Energy (DOE) order 486.1A on foreign government-sponsored & affiliated activities, disclosures of participation will now be required for affiliates, as is required for employees. Affiliates must notify the Lab if they are participating in or begin participating in a Foreign Government Talent Recruitment Program (FGTRP). In addition, the Lab will require all affiliates to complete a disclosure of participation with a foreign government talent recruitment program prior to the extension of their current affiliate appointment.
This requirement does not apply to users working under a User Facility Agreement. However, if an individual holds an affiliate appointment for purposes other than work under a user agreement, they do need to disclose.
During the extension request process, the affiliate will need to disclose whether or not they have participated in a foreign government talent recruitment program. Upon confirmation that a disclosure has been made, the HR Shared Services team will be able to continue processing the extension. A note of this requirement has also been added to the AskUS web page for the supervisor/host’s request to “Extend Affiliate Appointment End Date.”
- Affiliates will complete their disclosures here as part of the Affiliate extension process.
- Employees will continue to disclose through the updated Conflict of Interest training course.
Updates for the revised 486.1A Order have been incorporated into both of these existing processes.
Additional information on the Order and requirements are available within the Lab’s Guide to International Engagement and updated FAQs. If you are unsure whether the new requirement applies to you, your supervisor can help answer questions. You can also email for assistance.
Failure to comply with the terms of this DOE Order by self-disclosing participation in a foreign government talent recruitment program could result in discipline, up to and including termination of affiliate status, pursuant to Lab policy.
The Lab strongly believes that a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive research environment is a critical component of our scientific excellence. We must also carry out the requirements of this order to protect U.S. government-funded intellectual property while sustaining the diverse environment that is essential to accomplishing our mission.