Message from Carol Dear Colleagues: As we approach a new year, the national laboratories continue to serve as an important scientific resource. I am struck by how well we continue to be positioned to pursue future opportunities, by deploying our expertise and capabilities to address key national and global challenges. Below you’ll find a story […]
Research News September 2024: Preparing for an AI Future
Message from Carol Dear colleagues: It has been a particularly busy summer at the Lab, full of planning activities and fruitful conversations. In June, we presented our Lab Plan to the Department of Energy. This plan, which represents our strategic intent with infrastructure development and research directions, rests on the priorities of our six research […]
Research News June 2024: Projects that Exemplify Some of our Strategic Research Themes
Message from Carol Dear Colleagues: Over the last year and a half, I have had many conversations with area, division, and science leaders at the Lab about how to build on our already impressive strengths to remain at the forefront of research a decade from now. As a result of these conversations, in February, we […]
Research News April 2024: Building the Next Generation of Lab Talent, Workforce Development
Message from Carol Dear Colleagues: We take very seriously our role in developing the next generation of scientists and engineers at the Lab and beyond. In this issue of Research News, we share some of the many efforts at the Lab to ensure we maintain a talented workforce at the Lab, now and in the future. […]
Research News Feb 2024: Research themes, Career Pathways Office programs
Message from Carol Dear Colleagues: Spring is a season for renewal and growth. It is a great time to rethink and refresh our approaches, from our work to our skills to our collaborations. It is an opportunity for us as a Lab, and for you personally, to think strategically about our research and how to […]
Research News December 2023: Funding Awards, Superfacility, Hydrogen Research
Message from Carol Dear Colleagues: As I take stock of this year, I am amazed at all that has happened and all that we have achieved. We began the year still struggling with a pandemic and its influences on work culture, and we are emerging from it, as a Lab, stronger than ever. You have […]
Research News September 2023: Revolutionizing How We Do Science through Scientific Tools, User Facilities
Message from Carol Dear Colleagues: In the last issue of Research News, I shared some of the ways the Lab is mindfully shaping how science is done, such as our multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches to science and the use of computational tools such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. This issue continues the discussion of how […]
Research News July 2023: Revolutionizing How We Do Science
Message from Carol Dear Colleagues: With the new movie “Oppenheimer” in the theaters this month, I have been thinking about the role E.O. Lawrence played in establishing the idea of team science, and about how the Lab is continuing to revolutionize how we do science today. In past newsletters, I have talked about some of […]
Research News April 28 2023: Women inventors and software developers, From postdoc to industry, PIER plan resources
Message from Carol Dear Colleagues: In the last few weeks, I’ve been thinking more about diversity in research and innovation, a topic close to my heart. Diversity is essential for scientific excellence and innovation, and our sponsors are increasingly requiring us to pay careful attention to diversity and inclusivity. In this vein, this issue of Research […]
Research News February 28 2023: LDRD, Investing in Careers
Message from Carol Dear Colleagues: What an exciting time it is to be at Berkeley Lab. For two years in a row, we have been recognized by the DOE for a high level of performance. Our scientific capabilities are extremely broad, and we are making contributions to national priorities on many fronts. With these national priorities come research […]
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