One of the five strategic research themes at the Lab, selected for their potential to unlock the greatest scientific opportunities over the next decade, focuses on “discovering materials, chemical processes, and biological systems for energy and the environment.” Setsuko Wakao’s team in the Biosciences Area’s Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging (MBIB) Division, working with scientists […]
Geologic Hydrogen: A New Source of Carbon-Free Fuel for the World, New Opportunities for the Lab
Berkeley Lab’s strategic research themes describe research programs and projects at the Lab that could make a significant contribution to the world, while also potentially providing growth opportunities for research at the Lab and for science. The two Lab research projects recently funded by ARPA-E to develop geologic hydrogen as a new source of carbon-free fuel […]
Berkeley Lab Welcomes Summer Interns
Summer at the Lab brings a new group of interns. This year, through the Workforce Development & Education (WD&E) program, 150 interns are working across all the research areas at the Lab. They are paired with mentors who teach technical and research skills, provide guidance, and show interns what it’s like to work at […]
Berkeley Lab Ambassadors on DOE’s Fostering Great Minds and Great Ideas Tour
By Tiffany Win Finding the best people to join the Lab community is the goal of the Talent Outreach Program, designed to increase representation and retention of marginalized groups through outreach partnerships in three key areas: community, campuses, and conferences. Strategic partnerships with minority serving institutions (MSIs) across the U.S. offer Lab research and operations […]
Stewardship Summit: Leveling Up Leadership Skills at the Lab
How does an institution like Berkeley Lab train its leaders? One initiative that is designed to do so is the Director’s Stewardship Summit, an intensive multi-day leadership & management program led by the Lab’s Learning and Culture Office. In January, 174 emerging and experienced managers and leaders from across the Lab participated in a hybrid, […]
Building the Next Generation of Berkeley Lab Science and Engineering Leaders
Through the decades, many highly talented leaders, scientists, and engineers have come and gone at the Lab. Yet the Lab has continued to enjoy a reputation of excellence and to provide scientific leadership to the nation. This long-standing leadership is not an accident but a result of thoughtful planning around talent development and execution of […]
Working to Increase Diversity in the Physical Sciences
According to the American Physical Society (APS), today only 21% of physics PhDs are awarded to women. The fields of engineering, computer science, mathematics and statistics fare only slightly better. The numbers look even more disappointing for underrepresented minorities, who account for only 10% of physics PhDs. This is an issue that Lab researchers are […]
International Telework
March 20, 2024 Dear colleagues, Berkeley Lab’s open and collaborative research environment is dependent in part on our worldwide collaborations, some of which require our people to conduct research or attend meetings in other countries. International travel and research require Lab approvals, and special considerations apply when traveling to or through DOE-designated countries of risk.* […]
Restricted Party Screening Annual Training – Save the Date, April 11
The Export Compliance Office is pleased to announce the upcoming annual Restricted Party Screening (RPS) training, scheduled for Thursday, April 11 2024 at 10 am. This important training session is highly recommended for Export Control Liaisons and Visual Compliance users, who will automatically receive an exclusive invitation to this event. We are also extending this […]
Introducing Research Themes: Preparing Berkeley Lab for Continued Leadership
For a national laboratory the size, scope, and profile of Berkeley Lab to continue to lead the scientific enterprise requires strategic planning. This means having a long-term plan to invest in the remarkable people of Berkeley Lab, our most important strategic asset, and expanding our capabilities, infrastructure, tools, and methods. To help guide the Lab […]
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