BioEPIC: Crossing Scales and Disciplines to Accelerate our Understanding of How Microbes Impact Earth’s Ecosystems Research News spoke with Eoin Brodie, deputy director of the Earth and Environmental Science Area (EESA)’s Climate and Ecosystem Sciences Division, and Susannah Tringe, division director of Biosciences Area (BSA)’s Environmental Genomics & Systems Biology Division, about BioEPIC and the opportunities and challenges provided by multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary science. Read the story. Using Statistics and Machine Learning to Test the Durability of Energy Storage Solutions There is a lot of hype in the media about artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), but at Berkeley Lab, AI and ML have played an integral role in research projects for many years. One current example of a research project with an important AI/ML component is a collaboration between the Energy Technologies and Computing Sciences Areas. Steve Harris, Principal Scientific Engineering Associate with ETA’s Energy Storage and Distributed Resources Division, and Marcus Noack, a research scientist with the CSA’s Applied Mathematics and Computational Research Division, are working together to develop a unique AI/ML-driven solution for the rapid assessment of the durability of novel energy storage solutions. Read the story. Stephanie Mack: From Postdoc to Policy Professional Research News periodically features a former Lab postdoc who has continued their career in academia, government, industry, or another sector. In this issue, we catch up with Stephanie Mack, who was a postdoc at Berkeley Lab from January to August of 2021. Today, she is a policy analyst at the State Department. Read the Q&A with Stephanie. Q&A with John Elliott, Chief Sustainability Officer, about Berkeley Lab’s Net-Zero Vision and Roadmap Research News spoke with John Elliott, the Lab’s Chief Sustainability Officer, about the Lab’s own vision to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in operations. Read the story. Lab Welcomes Summer Interns, In Person If you have noticed a few more people onsite, some looking a little lost, you may have guessed that this year’s summer interns have arrived. Orientation for this year’s 101 Workforce Development & Education (WD&E) interns took place on June 5 with a kickoff event. The interns, who hail from all across the U.S., are undergraduates, post baccalaureates, graduates, and faculty from many disciplines, and from many different institutions, including minority-serving institutions and community colleges. Read about the interns and their mentors at the Lab. GOOD TO KNOW
New Research Data Management Webpage and Data Management Plan Resource Guide The Research Compliance Office has created a new webpage for Research Data Management. This page includes Data Management Plan (DMP) resources and tools, policy information, and contact information. You will also find the new DMP Resource Guide, which includes helpful resources for each of the data management plan requirements.
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