In our mission to bring scientific solutions to the world, open collaborations play a vital role. At the same time, we also need to be mindful that an increasing number of institutions and individuals are subject to regulations. To safeguard national security and to prevent the unauthorized transfer of sensitive technologies and materials, Restricted Party Screening (RPS) is therefore an important step.
RPS involves the systematic review of institutions and individuals against restricted party lists maintained by government agencies, international organizations, and regulatory bodies to identify threats to national security, export regulations, and trade sanctions. RPS is not just a regulatory requirement; it is a critical aspect of ensuring the security, integrity, and reputation of Berkeley Lab.
By performing RPS, Berkeley Lab can uphold its commitments to international dialogue, scientific advancement, innovation, and national security, while preventing export violations damaging to Berkeley Lab and you personally. Effective RPS practices:
- Prevent unauthorized access to sensitive technology,
- Mitigate risks of technology leakage,
- Preserve reputation and funding, and
- Ensure compliance with export regulations.
All Berkeley Lab employees have an obligation to ensure Berkeley Lab is not engaging in unauthorized activities with restricted parties. This includes informal collaborations. Prior to engaging in activities with external research partners, sponsors, collaborators and others, please work with your Divisional Export Control Liaisons (ECL) to perform RPS using Descartes Visual Compliance (VC) on both the institution and the individuals.
Contact your Divisional ECL for assistance with RPS or register for a VC account today. To create your VC account, click here.
For more information: Visit Berkeley Lab’s Export Control website.