Cradle to Commerce offers comprehensive entrepreneurship support services to Lab scientists, including matching with public and private sector entrepreneurs and partners Moving critical clean energy technology solutions from the lab to the marketplace is an important part of the DOE’s mission, but also a challenging endeavor. Researchers who invent a new technology may not have […]
Scientists at the Lab Work to Bring Science Solutions to the Market
The Lab’s mission, to bring science solutions to the world, often means working to license technologies to industry, directly collaborating with industry, or spinning out entrepreneurial ventures. Three scientists who are working to bring their innovations to the market shared their perspectives and tips with the Lab community: Marcos Turqueti, an electronics staff engineer in […]
Lab Resources for Entrepreneurs
As part of its efforts to bring innovative technologies to the world, the Lab offers significant resources for entrepreneurs that Lab researchers can access: Innovation Corps (I-Corps) and I-Corps Lite – The Department of Energy offers a two-month “customer discovery” training program to help researchers define technology value propositions, conduct stakeholder discovery interviews, and develop […]
Five Basics You Should Know about Conflicts of Interest (COI)
With recent updates related to COI, the Research Compliance Office (RCO) would like to share a reminder of the basics: What are my financial interests? Everyone should know their own financial interests and recuse themselves from participating in any LBNL decision involving those financial interests. Do I need prior approval to engage in outside work? […]
Cyclotron Road Moves to the Lab Directorate
Cyclotron Road is an important Berkeley Lab service that offers expertise and capabilities from across the Lab to science entrepreneurs, to help them accelerate the commercialization of their game-changing energy technologies. The first of the DOE’s four Lab-Embedded Entrepreneurship Programs (LEEP), it has been housed in the Energy Technologies Area (ETA) for the past seven […]
The 71st Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting: A Science Conference to Remember
The annual Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting is a tradition during which Nobel laureates gather and interact with early career scientists, sharing research and enjoying discussions about science and other topics. The meeting in 2021 was virtual, but this year the scientists were able to meet in person in Lindau, Germany from June 26 to July […]
The Carbon Negative Initiative Workshop: Strategic Planning for Development Opportunities
Last November, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced a new goal to remove gigatons of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and durably store it for less than $100/ton of net CO2-equivalent. The “Carbon Negative Shot,” the third target within DOE’s Energy Earthshots Initiative, is the U.S. government’s first major effort in carbon dioxide […]
The Summer Interns are Here!
If you’ve noticed more new faces onsite or in Zoom calls, it could be because the summer interns are here! June 6 marked the beginning of Workforce Development and Education (WD&E)’s summer term. WD&E hosts and facilitates all of the Lab’s Department of Energy’s Office of Science internship programs, as well as additional internships across […]
Stewardship Values: Spotlight on Trust
Trust is one of the Lab’s Stewardship values. According to our Stewardship website, “We strive to earn the trust of the public, the scientific community, our stakeholders, and each other by safeguarding our record of excellence, integrity, safety, openness, reliability, and accountability.” Our reputation has been built brick by brick over the decades upon a […]
The DOE Early Career Research Program: A Strategic Opportunity for the Lab and Researchers
Congratulations to Benjamin Nachman (Physical Sciences Area), Marlene Turner (Physical Sciences Area), and Antoine Wojdyla (Energy Sciences Area), the Lab scientists who have been selected as awardees for the DOE Office of Science’s FY22 Early Career Research Program (ECRP). In addition, faculty scientists Matt Pyle (Physical Sciences Area), Daniel Stolper (Earth & Environmental Sciences Area), […]
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