CTAP, sponsored by DOE’s Office of Technology Transitions (OTT), was originally designed to provide technical support funding to combat the coronavirus pandemic. Berkeley Lab has been one of the most active national lab participants in this important effort since last year and has developed innovative new partnerships to combat the pandemic.
OTT is now increasing its scope to provide funding to national labs to also assist our external partners in mitigating the economic downturn resulting from the pandemic. This new version of the program, CTAP 2.0, is a great opportunity for external partners to benefit from the Lab’s resources and expertise.
The original CTAP, which is still active and accepting proposals for new partners and projects, offers the Lab’s expertise in areas related to COVID-19 including: medical-related manufacturing and supply chain, medical devices, diagnostics, therapeutics (pharmaceuticals), sensors, discovery research processes, medical-related artificial intelligence and data analytics, epidemiology tools, and modeling and simulation.
In addition to projects that address the public health issues, CTAP 2.0 funding may be used to address needs relating to the economic consequences of the pandemic. In particular, CTAP 2.0 funding may be used by national labs to support job-creating projects with external partners to: reinvigorate the transportation, clean water, and sanitation sectors; refine manufacturing supply chains, and control the pandemic with efforts to strengthen health care, schools, safe buildings and transportation, and digital infrastructure.
For more information please refer to the FAQs. Contact the Strategic Partnerships Office to help design your proposal and get funding from OTT to work with academic, industry, or public-sector partners.