The LBNL Partner Advisory Board (PAB) provides advice to the Deputy Laboratory Director for Research and Chief Research Officer Carol Burns as well as the Strategic Partnerships Office and Intellectual Property Office, to help facilitate stronger collaboration with partners. The PAB provides input on the development of the Lab’s strategic direction as it relates to partner engagement with insights on operational and strategic needs and requirements.
Mission of the LBNL Partner Advisory Board:
- To advise on the development of the Lab’s strategic direction as it relates to partner engagement with insights on operational and strategic needs and requirements
- To facilitate and grow relationships with private industry and other partner entities towards the creation of technology partnering agreements (CRADAs, SPPs, licenses, etc)
- To advise on partner outreach priorities and opportunities
- To engage key partners that work across multiple areas of the Lab in providing feedback on program relevance, content, progress, and directions
- To provide input on the services provided by the Strategic Partnerships Office (SPO) & Intellectual Property Office (IPO) to help address barriers to technology transfer and commercialization, advising and recommending activities and programs that will build strong relationships with industry, government, and industry professionals, and increase understanding of their needs
Benefits of the Advisory Board:
- Identify key learnings from partners and provide insights to DOE
- Strengthen the Lab’s ties with constituents in industry, academia, and government agencies
- Provide critical strategic input and facilitates private sector relationships
- Foster entrepreneurship by connecting lab researchers, with a broader ecosystem including investors and other industry experts
- Establish sustainable funding models to provide resources for proposals, leveraging strategic industry partner resources
Camille Bibeau, Executive Director Partnerships & Outreach, UCNL
Michael McQuade, Special Advisor to the President, Carnegie Mellon University. Also on the Berkeley Lab Advisory Board
Keith Yamamoto, Special Advisor to the Chancellor for Science Policy and Strategy, UCSF. Also on the Berkeley Lab Advisory Board
Rey Banatao, Director / Project Lead at X, the moonshot factory, Alphabet/Google
Gregory Bell, Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer, Corelight
Virginia Klausmeier, President & CEO, Sylvatex
Amanda Palumbo, Associate R&D Director, Dow
Gautam Phanse, Strategic Relationship Manager, Chevron
Community / Economic Development Groups
Stephen Baiter, Executive Director, East Bay Economic Development Alliance
Venture Capital
Alex Grant, Director of Programs, The Engine
Google share drive (restricted) for Partner Advisory Board members