Computing technology is evolving at light speed, as are the computing needs of the Lab’s research community. 5G and artificial intelligence, for example, are already redefining how research is conducted in some fields. As well, the deep collaborations between computational scientists, technology providers, and scientific staff, have continued to raise the bar for our technology […]
Lab Hosts Emerging “TechWomen” Leaders from the Middle East, Africa, and Asia
Emerging women STEM leaders from fifteen countries around the world and their mentors took part in a virtual TechWomen International Day at the Lab on March 15, getting a taste of the Lab’s science and climate impact and networking with leaders at the Lab. Organized by the U.S. State Department, the TechWomen leadership development program […]
Lab Workshops and Events Provide Input for Charter Hill Materials and Chemistry Campus Vision
When the Lab’s “Old Town” buildings, located at the top of Charter Hill on the Lab’s main campus, were razed beginning in 2015 due to age and safety concerns, ideas for the future of the site had already begun to take shape. The location, adjacent to the ALS, solar fuels and energy storage hubs, and […]
PIVOT to Funding Opportunities
Do you wish there was a convenient place you could look for funding opportunities relevant to your research? If you aren’t already using Pivot’s research funding tool, check it out. The service, free to Lab researchers, provides a resource for many federal, state, and foundation funding opportunities. Researchers can set up notifications of new opportunities […]
What to Know About Outside Employment and Consulting and Foreign Government Affiliated Activities
Outside professional activities of Lab research staff enrich our culture and research and advance the scientific and technological knowledge transfer. That said, they have always been subject to further consideration by the Department of Energy, especially when they concern foreign government-sponsored activities. Here is a brief primer on our policies that you need to know. […]
Data Policy Working Group to Develop Lab Data Policies
Open sharing and deposition of research data is becoming more important and more common, but is a topic that can be complex to navigate. Many researchers may feel unsure about how to handle data-related issues, such as deposition of data or the different data licensing types. There are currently a range of data handling practices […]
“LINC”-ing the Bay Area National Labs for Industry
The Bay Area has an embarrassment of riches in many ways, and among these are its four national laboratories: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratories. Having four powerhouse labs at their door can be overwhelming to companies looking to collaborate with national labs. Which labs […]
Former Berkeley Lab Postdocs: Where are They Now?
Postdocs at Berkeley Lab contribute their talents and expertise in an important way to research projects. Some stay, while others move on, perhaps to academia, for-profit, non-profit, or government jobs. Some continue with research, others teach, take on science-related roles, or shift to non-science-related roles. To date, there has been little data on where postdocs […]
Mentorship: Giving Colleagues a Hand Up
Back in 2009, Deb Agarwal, then a research scientist in Computing Sciences, was mulling over some very interesting information she had collected. Whenever she asked senior-level women in computer science about what made the biggest difference in their careers, the answer was always the same. Their mentors. “I used to attend women’s mentorship workshops and […]
ARPA-E OPEN 2021 Funding Opportunity Announcement
Dear LBNL Researchers, As you may already be aware, the ARPA-E OPEN 2021 Funding Opportunity Announcement was released a couple weeks ago. The objective of this call is to support high-risk R&D leading to the development of potentially disruptive new technologies across the full spectrum of energy applications. The Lab encourages our researchers to team up internally […]
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